There is no definitive answer to that difficult question because so many variables, including your age, ethnicity, DNA, and even lifestyle, affect beard growth . But making a few small modifications to your lifestyle can have an impact on the development of facial hair and put you on the right track to getting the beard you desire as soon as possible. So read on to learn everything you need to know about growing your beard faster and better.
How fast does facial hair develop?
It is not as simple as it seems to understand why and how fast your hair grows. Your facial hair generally grows at the same rate no matter when or how you shave: About 1/4 inch each month. Although your body has mechanisms in place to control the maximum length of different body hair types, all your hair actually grows at roughly the same rate, regardless of how often you trim. So here are some steps you can take to give your beard some extra strength.
Techniques for faster growth of facial hair:
- Add more protein to your diet:

Consuming plenty of protein-rich foods is one of the best things you can do to increase your chances of developing competition-worthy scrubs. The basic component of your hair's outer layer is keratin, and consuming high-protein meals like nuts, beef, and eggs helps increase keratin production and strength. This means that your beard will not only grow thicker. It also becomes more powerful and shiny.
- Take care of facial hair:
The beauty of a soft, fluffy beard is second to none, but let's face it: even the best-kept beard experiences hardships on a daily basis. Your beard sits firmly on your jaw and soaks up all the sunlight, dust, dirt, heat, cold, spit and other factors you experience on a daily basis in addition to serving as a devoted crumb catcher. Therefore, you must take good care of it.
The ingredients in beard oils nourish your beard, protect the skin underneath and make you look incredibly sophisticated. A smart option is to switch from beard oil to beard balm, which often contains beeswax for additional conditioning and protection if you live in a particularly cold or dry climate.
- Work hard and take it easy:
Blood flow increases with regular activity, and getting enough sleep at night allows your body to rest and recover. The mechanisms responsible for hair growth and strength are kept working properly through the combination of the two. While trimming your beard may not be as easy as a quick shave, following these recommendations and giving your facial hair some tender loving care will improve its health and transform you from dud to manly in no time.
Your best bet is to visit Mr Beard for further advice and beard care products. They have top-notch advice and solutions to help you care for and grow your beard more effectively and faster.
10 beard growing tips: How to grow a full beard
The Complete Guide to Naturally Stimulating Facial Hair Growth, “7 Ways to Grow a Beard Faster”